Manufacturer: Sagaform AB

Contact: Segloravägen 19, 504 64 Borås, Sweden

Catalog number: 5018420

Today, tomorrow and every other day, mug Ellen will be your best friend. Perfect for the large cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. The design is stylish with billowing stripes, or frills as we choose to call it. A mug that feels as comfy as generous and which will be a favourite very quickly. Ellen mug is made of stoneware and the colours are close to nature in green and off white. 2 pcs.


Material: Stoneware

Size: 12x8,5x9cm



Today, tomorrow and every other day, mug Ellen will be your best friend. Perfect for the large cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. The design is stylish with billowing stripes, or frills as we choose to call it. A mug that feels as comfy as generous and which will be a favourite very quickly. Ellen mug is made of stoneware and the colours are close to nature in green and off white. 2 pcs.


Material: Stoneware

Size: 12x8,5x9cm






Master box12

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