Manufacturer: Sagaform AB

Contact: Segloravägen 19, 504 64 Borås, Sweden

First aid kit, black

Catalog number: 5017642

A smart, well-equipped First Aid kit to keep with you at all times. At work or out on a picnic, fishing trip or hunting. Better to be safe than sorry.
Contains: Scissors, plaster, compress, plastic gloves, wound tape, bandage, antibacterial cleaner, disinfectant wipes, safety pins, tweezers and breathing mask for CPR.

Size: 130 x 85 x 70 mm

70 mm
85 mm
130 mm


A smart, well-equipped First Aid kit to keep with you at all times. At work or out on a picnic, fishing trip or hunting. Better to be safe than sorry.
Contains: Scissors, plaster, compress, plastic gloves, wound tape, bandage, antibacterial cleaner, disinfectant wipes, safety pins, tweezers and breathing mask for CPR.

Size: 130 x 85 x 70 mm

70 mm
85 mm
130 mm





Master box100